We were thrilled to discover our very own Jungle Jezebel by Miguel Matos included in Fragrance Bros.’ Five Fragrances You Should Buy! Series, even if Daver Johnson called our Jezebel skanky. We know she is. Jezebel is just going to own that and go on being her fabulous and sexy self in the grand tradition of Divine and other favorite power divas like Lizzo and Cardi B.
To give Daver’s ‘skanky’ comment some context, here’s what he said:

“I’m really liking this fragrance a lot…Jungle Jezebel is the perfect name, because whenever you smell it, that’s exactly what you get. You get a very tropical, dirty…almost skanky…type of smell that is sexy and attractive and repulsive at the same time…. But as powerful as that civet note is, it’s not a stinky fragrance. It just enhances the contrast to the fragrance that I think is really interesting.”
Daver loves the new Sarah Baker Perfumes bottle, though he thinks Sarah’s Artist Edition Divine-inspired bottle is for “people with eccentric taste.” (I’m guilty over here. Insert hand in the air emoji! Might need to borrow those false lashes for myself though.)
We are huge Daver fans at the House of Sarah Baker. His reviews are truly thoughtful and entertaining. We quite like his hair. And not only does he provide smart fragrance reviews, but he also discusses perfume community and industry-related issues that in a fair and balanced way. If you’re not already following Daver, check out his Fragrance Bros. YouTube channel and Instagram (@fragrancebros).
Thanks for your review, Daver!
xo Ariel