Sometimes you get overlooked if you live off the beaten track. That’s why we’re delighted to be supporting Women’s Aid Orkney—located on the Orkney Islands off the coast of northern Scotland—with their annual fundraising Christmas raffle.
Women’s Aid Orkney offers a unique and needed service across the Orkney Islands. Options open to women and children experiencing domestic abuse and violence can be even more limited in remote locations, such as the Orkneys. For some issues, you can’t think globally, have to act locally. That’s exactly what Women's Aid Orkney do.
We are delighted to participate, donating fragrances as prizes.
The services WAO provides locally include a bricks-and-mortar refuge for women and children removing themselves from violent or abusive situations as well as telephone and face-to-face advice, help with legal and financial issues and counselling in the community.
Each year, one of the key fundraising events for the service takes place as part of the islands’ version of a Christmas market festival. Tickets sold for raffle prizes constitute a key injection of funds for the service to continue its important work. In addition to its core funded services, to date, all additional fundraising has been supported by the islanders themselves.

In 2023, WAO is making a stepchange; offering anyone in the UK a chance to buy tickets online to win fantastic prizes while simultaneously supporting an important cause.
We are delighted to participate, donating fragrances as prizes. WAO have worked very hard to make their offer of prizes a fantastic one. From luxury perfumes and designer yoga mats to accessories and homewares. And, as an artist-run brand we are naturally proud to stand among the artists who have donated books, limited music remixes and artist-designed items by artists including Jemima Brown, Liz Elton, Feral is Kinky and Pablo Padilla Jargstof.

Morgan Maxton, Service Co-ordinator for Women’s Aid Orkney said: “We are incredibly grateful for the support with donations for our fundraiser. As Orkney is a small community, we find it challenging to offer exciting and new prizes as many of our local businesses that we rely on for donations are also supporting other local charities. To be able to create a buzz around our fundraiser with fabulous products and experiences will be huge for us. We appreciate your support in helping us keep vulnerable women and children safe.”
In keeping with WAO’s ethos of inclusivity, it favours the raffle model—rather than a charity auction—keeping the ticket prices highly affordable at only £3 so that all sectors of the community can afford to participate.

Win with Women's Aid Orkney
So, if you live in the UK—or have friends and relatives resident in the UK—we strongly recommend that you buy a ticket (or a few tickets) from WAO’s online shop.
Winners of the seasonal raffle will be announced at an event in Kirkwall, Orkney on 21 December 2023 and contacted to confirm accepting their prizes shortly after.
Women's Aid Orkney is a registered Scottish charity. Scottish Charity No. SC005241