Sarah Baker has arrived at ZGO perfumery, the truly magnificent boutique in the heart of San Francisco. With a selection of over 80 fragrance brands from around the world, ZGO offers it's customers the best, and it’s truly such a pleasure and honor to be part of their roster.
Located in the historic Castro neighborhood in San Francisco, ZGO Perfumery is a passion-driven scent boutique that has been bringing together the world of scents under one roof since 2010. Their mission is to help you find the perfect scent that embodies your personality and style.
Check out this cool video that The Perfume Guy (Sebestain Jara) made for CaFleurebon. We love this video because ZGO co-founder Claude Gratianne goes into detail about the origins of ZGO and all the beautiful fragrances they have in their boutique.
If you're in San Francisco, you can now buy Sarah Baker Loudo at ZGO Perfumery! Or just stop by at ZGO and sniff the Sarah Baker collection along with our other unique fragrances amongst such fine world-renowned perfumery offerings.