Chris Wilkinson is one of the UK's most influential fragrance reviewers with his Frag-Mental Youtube channel that has over 47,000 viewers who follow his regular output of slick video fragrance reviews.

Chris recently brought out his Top 10 Oceanic Fragrances review, a timely release as people start thinking of heading to the beach. We're delighted that Atlante is included in his Top 10, high praise indeed given some of the others on the list.
"One of the best and most unique oceanic fragrances I have ever smelled" - Frag-Mental (Chris Wilkinson)
We do know that Chris certainly likes Atlante based on his earlier monographic review of the fragrance that you can find here. But it's really affirming to see how favourably he views our ocean freshy in relation to other esteemed aquatic juices.
Click the video below to see what he has to say.