Writer, reviewer and podcaster Nicola Thomis has been very busy this year. Aside from writing articles and releasing podcasts on her own fragrance-specialist site, The Sniff, she is also one of the team delivering a packed calendar of content at Fragrantica. We have really appreciated the attention and support she has shown our house this year. And, it seems, she’s still found time to do so once more before 2021 draws to a close.
In her contribution to Fragrantica’s Holidays 2021 - Personal Wishlists, a seasonal feature in which the full Fragrantica line-up of editors and contributors select the four fragrances they would most like to find under the tree, Nicola has included Flame & Fortune from our S.BAKER Collection on her wishlist.
“...a big white floral which smells like it has been set on fire whilst in full bloom, it's radiant, it's apocalyptically beautiful, and it's firmly on my wishlist.”
Thank you, Nicola for your kind words about our house's juices.
Make sure you check out the article featuring Nicola’s wishlist here. We’re delighted to be included on Nicola’s list and equally pleased to be featured in the context of this larger seasonal feature. When some of the world’s most respected fragrance reviewers contribute their personal wishlists narrowed down to only four juices, any house, big or small, can be very proud to be included. We know that we are certainly flattered and proud.
