Sarah Baker Perfumes took part in a lecture by curator Cedar Lewisohn about consumable art at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. I was thrilled to be involved in Cedar's truly interactive lecture where he passed out artist-made drinks, cookbooks, food, and perfumes. I presented my brand and handed out scent strips of my first four fragrances. Also included in Cedar's talk was perfumer Andreas Wilhem's chewing gum. You can read more about the gum in Issue #3 of FFF Zine where I made a feature about eating and drinking perfume.
I have worked with Cedar before on a magazine feature that inspired my 2011 work, Laura Palmer. Those portraits were inspired by a round table discussion with Cedar about DVD box sets, in particular how David Lynch's Twin Peaks changed everything for TV. The discussion was published in the David Lynch issue of Saatchi Gallery Art & Music Magazine, and they needed images which is how my Laura Palmer portraits came to exist. Later, the portraits were turned into beer mats for a show that Cedar curated at the Bun House Pub in Peckham. There were other great bespoke beer mats in that show—my favorites were made by Bob & Roberta Smith and Gavin Turk. Some of the people who collected them used them as beer mats, other people framed them and hung them on their wall. What would you do?