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Jungle Jezebel Review by The Plum Girl

sarah baker perfumes 'jungle jezebel' by perfumer miguel matos, review by The Plum Girl

I am overcome with joy that The Plum Girl has written a review on Jungle Jezebel. Her review takes you through every part of experiencing that fragrance and the reaction to all the notes as they begin to surface.

'Jungle Jezebel will do everything but leave you indifferent. It starts off with a punch of pink bubble gum chewed and rolled around big meaty lips.

This wham-bam-in-your-face “cheap thrill” doesn’t last long, and just about when you think it’s going to turn into sweet mashed bananas and almost plastic fruits, the fragrance shows its vulnerable floral side, even a little powdery ylang twist.'

If you were wondering whether to purchase a bottle or one of my sample sets her review will definitely help you decide whether Jungle Jezebel is the right fragrance for you.

If you would like to read the whole review check it out HERE.

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