We are beyond thrilled to appear in FOUR best of 2018 perfume roundups. Thank you for the love, Rene Zayas, Sebastian Jara, Yana Tommelise and Megan Paki. We are truly honored by your kind words and so grateful for your praise!

Rene Zayas, Top 25 Niche Winter Fragrances of 2018
If you follow Rene Zayas on YouTube and Insta (@mrzayas81), you know about his thoughtful reviews and his stunning photography. Rene is a perfume connoisseur, and a serious collector who has been reviewing fragrance for over six years. We were especially blown away by his photographs of our fragrances, Leopard, Tartan, and Jungle Jezebel.
Number 24: Tartan (by Sarah McCartney) click here
“Love it for the winter season. It’s a powerhouse.”
Number 20: Leopard (by Ashley Eden Kessler) click here
“The rose she utilized here feels almost alive on the skin.”
Number 7: Jungle Jezebel (by Miguel Matos) click here
“This is a wild, wild beast...a fragrance that really takes my breath away….Absolutely fantastic.”

Smelling Great Fragrance Reviews, 20 Fragrance highlights of 2018
We are so flattered to be among these amazing brands including heavy-hitters like Frédéric Malle, TOM FORD, XERJOFF, to name a few. To be featured on Sebastian Jara's Looking, Feeling, Smelling Great! has been a major highlight for 2018. Sebastian has a massive following on YouTube and Instagram as well.
Leopard (by Ashley Eden Kessler) click here
“I highly recommend the fragrances and the concept behind them.”

Yana Tommelise, Best Perfumes Releases of 2018
I am so excited that my collaboration with @miguelmatosperfumes is one of Yana's favourite releases of 2018 and is among such fantastic brands. I love Yana’s YouTube and Insta presence, and it was so much fun getting to know Yana at Pitti Fragranze in 2018. It was already a huge honor to be interviewed by Yana at Pitti and we are especially appreciative of your her enthusiasm for Jungle Jezebel. Thank you, Yana!
Jungle Jezebel (by Miguel Matos) click here
“I was really knocked down...get yourself a bottle.”

Megan in Saint Maxime, Favorite Perfumes of 2018
I am so happy to have met Megan Paki in 2018. She happened to be in London, staying near my studio in London Fields, and arranged a studio visit and then made a wonderful blog post about it. Here's her perfume highlights for 2018 where she mentions Lace and uses the wonderful collage/juxtaposing Lace with Stevie Nicks (exactly the kind of theme song to coincide with Lace in my opinion.) Thanks Megan!
Lace (by Sarah McCartney) click here
“Sarah Baker Perfumes...a range with a great presentation and quirky scents.”