Sarah Baker

Oct 6, 2020

Top Notes: a New Podcast Episode Features Jungle Jezebel

Updated: May 4, 2023

I really enjoyed listening to the new podcast by @topnotespod the hilarious duo formerly known on instagram as @scent_speculation (hopefully they will continue to create quality and fun content on @scent_speculation as well)

Their new podcast is described in their insta bio:

The miserably niche, blissfully stupid, and earnestly fascinated comedy/fragrance podcast hosted by Kris Costi & Montana Thomas

The podcast is really funny I did a LOL quite a few times while listening on my way to the studio today. It was also educational...

From Kris:

I google "What is bubblegum?" The most consistent answer I have gotten is that it has notes of: predominantly banana, cherry, pineapple, and mint. We associate bubblegum (way more than with natural ingredients) to unnatural experiences. Like for example: the dentist's office... a lot of the time we associate celebrity and manufactured fragrances with bubblegum, although that is usually cotton candy. I am curious what do you know about bubblegum?

From Montana:

...Bubble gum: I focus more on it's visuals. The pink, chewy mess. Something I did find was that in 1928, an original flavoring for gum in 1928, the ingredients are rubber, sugar, licorice, charcoal, orris root (or iris), and myrrh. Bubble gum is actually a dull grey, which I think makes it a lot more interesting... the artifice of it is what really makes it interesting.

What was really so flattering though was their in-depth review of Miguel Matos' brilliant creation for the house: Jungle Jezebel. This podcast actually made me think about JJ in a different way. To me it always made sense that JJ had bubblegum in it. This was totally Miguel's decision: he is the genius behind the formulation of the fragrance itself.

What does it have to do with Ariana Grande? Well, it does so please check out the podcast and find our for yourself.

Possibly my favorite description of Jungle Jezebel ever:

This is what the under tit sweat of Divine's breastplate smells like after a cocaine-filled night.

Most flattering comment (thank YOUUUU so much):

I adore Sarah Baker fragrances. They overtake your entire life.

To sum up the review, the dry down:

It's creamy, it's spitty, it doesn't really smell like bubble gum anymore... it's been spit out. It's so nuanced... It's not bubble gum... it's like chewing bubble gum, spitting it out and then waiting a few hours and letting it dry. It's a whole process. It's mouth. It's mouth.

Thank you Montana and Kris! I really enjoyed your review and I am looking forward to hearing MORE!

XO Sarah