Nov 23, 2020

In the Audiozone with TJ Norris

Updated: May 4, 2023

We’re delighted that TJ Norris has cast his eye, or rather his nose, over the full SARAH BAKER Collection and devoted his weekly Notetaking “audizone” (a bit like podcasts you don’t have to download) to sharing his thoughts on the full collection.

“And there’s a little bit of a dark side among the fruit basket here. That’s also a very strong one, but I would say be brave, move forward, stay colourful.”

We’re even more delighted that he came back for more, devoting a subsequent session to a fuller review of his personal favourite from the collection.

“...a breath of refreshing air and brings something to perfumery that I haven’t experienced to date. There’s something vaguely like citrus in here. There’s some kind of chemical reaction between things or something done in the lab—this smells really different to my nose. I’m enjoying this, very much so.”

Can you tell which fragrance it is? We’re not going to drop a spoiler. But you can listen to his initial impression of all of the fragrances in the flagship collection here. And you’ll find his review of his personal favourite of the eight here.

TJ is a fragrance enthusiast and reviewer who, like Sarah Baker, also has a practice in contemporary art. Currently based in Texas, New England-bred TJ has worked as a freelance contemporary art curator, teacher, gallery owner and cultural writer for the last 30 years. As a curator he has curated a number of projects that examine scent and smell within an art context. As a writer he has sometimes worked outside of the cultural sector, including as a food writer for mainstream broadsheets.